Ok, before you get your hopes up too far, no this isn't a giveaway post of me saying enter here for my amazing giveaway! This is me saying enter at these places for
their amazing giveaways. I can honestly say, I'm pretty much a giveaway slut. I love entering giveaways and I LOVE the thrill of getting the "Congratulations! You're a winner!" emails. I've won some really cool things in my giveaways: a set of stackable rings from an etsy seller, a bookbag, a craft box, and many books! My friends ask me all the time how I find all these giveaways, let alone win a small percentage of them. So I will share with you my favorite sites for giveaways, even though it seems like a bad idea to me. Ya know, helping the competition and all.
My favorite site for finding giveaways from Etsy sellers is:
http://etsygiveaways.blogspot.com/ (you've heard of Etsy right?? I might end up posting about Etsy later too. I'm on there at least once a day.)
This site has multiple posts a day with the details of the giveaway and a direct link to the blog post. I hit this site at least once a day and I've won a couple giveaways that I found on this site.
Another fun way to find Etsy giveaways I've found is to go to Etsy's
forums and in the search box search for "giveaways". You can sometimes find giveaways here that aren't posted on a site like etsygiveaways.
I should warn you though, while looking for Etsy giveaways you will
probably find at least 20 things shops full of items you
need to buy if you can't win them. Just a quick warning, Etsy if full of amazing sellers and items.
Another good place to look for giveaways that aren't always handmade is:
http://bloggiveaways.blogspot.com/ The author of this blog usually posts a long list of of blogs and their giveaways every week day. I'll warn you about this blog though, some of the giveaways are NOT low entry.
I've also found through random giveaways some blogs that I follow with Google Friend Connect that hosts giveaways all the time! Those blogs you'll find with giveaway experience or you can always email or comment and ask for some of the big blogs I follow that hosts giveaways often.
So my readers, I think giveaways are pretty amazing, if slightly (ok completely) addicting. What do you think? Giveaways, amazing or not? Leave me a comment!