December 28, 2011

Treasure Hunting!

Just like most people my age, I go hopping from place to place. The difference? I'm not going club hopping. Oh no, I'm going thrift store hopping. :) I love going to thrift stores and digging through things for that diamond in the rough. So Monday we went to Goodwill where I saw a cute little octagonal table for $6. But the one of the doors on it didn't close right and it was missing door pulls. It wasn't the right buy for me so I left Goodwill buying nothing but a box set of three photo albums for Bridal Shower, Wedding Day, and Honeymoon Memories as a present for either of my two best friends, or my Gan says I should keep it for me when the time comes. After we left Goodwill we headed towards another thrift store but it was closed, its church run and it WAS the day after Christmas. So instead we went to the Hospice store. I found 4 books for my future classroom, I've been looking for small chapter books while out thrift store hopping in the hopes that some of the books I find will be in good condition and suitable reading level for my classroom, and then my Gan and I went down stairs to look at the furniture to see if I could find me a table. And what do you think I found? Another octagonal table! This one has door pulls, is a bit taller, and the doors close like they should! The table was in better condition and was being sold for $8. You best bet I snapped that offer up! I was even luckier in that the entire store was having a 50% of everything sale! I bought 4 or 5 books and a table for just $4.75! Then yesterday my Papa decided we were going to go to Greenville to Kmart to look for a red tablecloth. After finally buying him a tablecloth from Anna's Linens we went to the Greenville Goodwill. Going to that Goodwill is true treasure hunting. Everything is in huge bins and sold by the pound. A pound of clothes, housewares, toys, whatever is $1.19 and a pound of books is only $.25! I dug through huge tubs of books and bought 23 books for just $3! I bought 3 books to help me be a better teacher, 4 novels for me, 13 fiction books for my future classroom, and 3 more non-fiction books for my classroom! I think that's pretty amazing! I love thrift stores, yard sales, and the jockey lot! :D I'll have to upload a picture of my table and the reading corner I made up for me in my room later and y'all can tell me if it's amazing or not so much! But thrift stores and yard sales? The deals I got yesterday and the day before? Amazing or not so much? Leave me a comment if you would! :)

1 comment:

  1. I bought a car seat for some people that I know that are having a baby for $10. The best part is that it retails for over 160 in stores! SCORE. I am ready for some majorrrr thrifting when we get back to school. Love you Alleyyyyy Boooo!


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